New concepts include:
• major and minor keys up to two sharps or flats
• perfect and major intervals
• octave transposition
• the melodic minor scale
• dominant triads
Sample pages
Let’s Explore activities provide an opportunity to hear and play a piece of music while discovering how theory concepts come alive. Many of these pieces have been selected from The Royal Conservatory repertoire and etudes books. Listen as your teacher plays them for you, play them yourself, or listen to them here!
Unit 1, page 11
Etude, Cornelius Gurlitt
From Celebration Series®, 2015 Edition: Piano Etudes 2
Unit 2, page 20
Big Teddy, Little Teddy, Linda Niamath
From Soda Pop and Other Delights
Soda Pop and Other Delights recording unavailable.
Unit 3, page 36
Arabesque, op. 100, no. 2, Johann Friedrich Burgmüller
From Celebration Series®, 2015 Edition: Piano Etudes 3
Unit 4, page 47
Sonatina, op. 36, no. 1 (I), Muzio Clementi
From Celebration Series®, 2015 Edition: Piano Repertoire 3
Unit 4, page 48
Menuet, BWV Anh. 115, Christian Petzold
From Celebration Series® The Piano Odyssey®: Piano Repertoire 3
Recording coming soon.
Unit 6, page 61
Andante, op. 44, no. 1, Carl Blum
From Bridges®: A Comprehensive Guitar Series: Guitar Repertoire and Studies 3
Bridges® recording unavailable.
Unit 7, page 71
Masquerade, Linda Niamath
From Celebration Series®, 2015 Edition: Piano Etudes 4
Unit 8, page 72
Musette, BWV Anh. 126, attr. Johann Sebastian Bach
From Celebration Series®, 2015 Edition: Piano Repertoire 3
Unit 8, page 73
Austrian Hymn, Hob. XXVIa:43, Franz Joseph Haydn, arr. Jason Noble
From Cello Series, 2013 Edition: Cello Repertoire 2
Unit 8, page 78
Etude, op.37, no. 17, Henry Lemoine
From Celebration Series®, 2015 Edition: Piano Etudes 3